WTO Cannot Afford To Stand Aside These Difficult Times, Says Okonjo-Iweala


Speaking at the final 2022 meeting of the WTO’s General Council on 19-20 December, Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala urged Geneva-based delegates to use the upcoming year-end break to reach out to their respective capitals for guidance and instructions and get the organization “back on track” in the New Year.

DG Okonjo-Iweala said during these difficult times, the WTO “cannot afford to stand aside”

In her capacity as chair of the Trade Negotiations Committee, the Director-General expressed disappointment with the lack of progress made since the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) in June, where members achieved breakthroughs on issues such as fisheries subsidies, WTO response to emergencies — including a waiver of certain requirements concerning compulsory licensing for COVID-19 vaccines, food security and WTO reform.

While MC12 remains a highlight of the year, “we’ve not done much serious negotiating in the past six months,” she told members. “We have a lot of ground to cover and will have to intensify our efforts when we return from the winter break”.

Now that members have clarity on the dates and venue for the 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13), which will take place in Abu Dhabi in February 2024, the Director-General said there is the additional responsibility to use the coming months to build convergence on meaningful outcomes for the meeting.

“During these difficult times of economic slowdown, food and energy crises, climate change, and persistent development challenges, the WTO cannot afford to stand aside,” she told members. “We must begin to lay the ground for concrete results before, at and beyond MC13.”

One immediate issue remains the appointment of new chairs to lead the WTO negotiations on agriculture and fisheries subsidies, posts that have been vacant for several months.

Ambassador Didier Chambovey, chair of the General Council, reported to members that despite recent consultations with group coordinators on the negotiations chair appointments, the situation remains unchanged. He urged members to work together in a constructive spirit to bring this issue to a solution as soon as possible.

“It should not be beyond this body to be able to appoint negotiating chairs,” the Director-General said. “Six months of not negotiating is not acceptable.”

 Source:The Real Sector; www.realsectornow.com;

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