NAFDAC On The Ban, Phase- out And Reclassification Of Pesticides




Pesticides are applied both indoors and outdoors for the management of pests, vector-borne diseases, and for crop protection. They are sometimes impregnated in textiles, paints, carpets, and treated wood to control pests and fungi. However, the toxicity associated with the misuse and abuse of pesticides is worrisome as it affects food safety and food security. The toxicity of pesticides is managed through stringent regulatory activities to reduce severe health implications on humans, crops, and the environment. This can be achieved through awareness and continual sensitization of stakeholders.

The dangers posed by pesticides are of immense concern to the Agency and there have been recent concerns from stakeholders such as the report of the study conducted by Heinrich Boll Foundation; a non-governmental organization that claimed that 40% of pesticides used in Nigeria had been banned in the EU. There was also an alert received from the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) cautioning on the possibility that the European Union and United Kingdom were exporting banned Neonicotinoid Pesticides to Nigeria and other Poorer Countries. Emphasis was placed on Chlorpyrifos and its variants due to their harmful effects on humans, animals, beneficial insects, and the environment.

The mandate of NAFDAC as established by Act Cap N1 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 is to regulate and control the manufacture, importation, exportation, advertisement, distribution, sale, and use of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, bottled water, detergents, and chemicals (referred to as regulated products). Safeguarding the health of the nation is paramount to the Agency. This necessitated the review and analysis of the list of registered pesticide and agrochemical active ingredients in the NAFDAC Registered Product Automated Database (NARPAD) vis-à-vis actives banned, non-approved or restricted in the European Union, other countries or by relevant international organizations.

The outcome of the review was shared with stakeholders at a three (3) day virtual stakeholder’s engagement held on the 22nd, 24th, and 29th of November 2022. It focused on the proposed phase-out/ban of these active ingredients and had in attendance, proponent holders of marketing authorizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Associations (All Farmers Association of Nigeria, CropLife Nigeria, Nigeria Agro-Input Dealers Association etc), Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), Research institutes amongst others.

At the end of the meeting, it was agreed that: –

  1. Pesticide and agrochemical importers and manufacturers would be advised to institute stewardship plans (such as Post Marketing Surveillance and research) in their companies.
  2. NAFDAC  to collaborates with research institutes in the conduct of research and scientific data generation on pesticides to enable the Agency make evidence-based decisions and policies.
  3. NAFDAC to intensify Post Marketing Surveillance nationwide.
  4. There should be continual sensitization and education of relevant stakeholders on the safe and responsible use of pesticides.
  5. NAFDAC to engage with other sister Agencies (Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Standards Organization of Nigeria, National Environmental Standards and Regulation Enforcement Agency, Nigeria Agricultural Quarantine Service) to ensure synergy in the regulation of pesticide and agrochemical products.

In addition to the Ban of Paraquat, Chlorpyrifos, and Atrazine with effective dates from 1st January 2024, 1st November 2024, and 1st January 2025 respectively, `the Agency has also initiated the action plan for the ban/phase-out of 12 active ingredients and the reclassification of 4 others as shown in the tables below. The availability of alternatives in the country were put into consideration to ensure that stakeholders most especially farmers will not be affected by the decisions taken.



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