Power:  Saboteurs Hack Down Power Transmission Tower, Deepening Electricity Crisis


…throws more people out of electricity supply

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN)has declared that one of its critical infrastructures, the Shiroro-Katampe 330kV transmission line was vandalised on Sunday, making it the fifth of such incidents between February and March this year, leaving the country in the perpetual blackout.

According to TCN, on February 28, it was reported that vandals destroyed Tower 70 along its 330kV Gwagwalade-Katampe Transmission line in Abuja, making it the third transmission tower to be vandalised by vandals within five days, of that time.

The continued destruction of TCN towers is raising concern among stakeholders, as some persons have called on the Federal Government to deploy security agents to the transmission company to investigate the incessant situation.

TCN’s spokesperson, Ndidi Mbah, while announcing the latest vandalism at the Shiroro-Katampe 330kV transmission line, said, “At approximately 9 am this morning, the Shiroro-Katampe transmission line experienced a trip.

“Following initial investigations, TCN engineers attempted to restore operation but were unsuccessful. Subsequently, efforts were made to identify the fault location. Hence, linesmen were dispatched to physically patrol the suspected area.

“During the fault tracing process, vigilante team leaders in the vicinity notified TCN linesmen of vandalism along the Shiroro-Katampe transmission line. TCN personnel confirmed the vandalisation of the 330kV Shiroro-Katampe transmission line 1, from Towers 244 to 245, and the  conductors are stolen.”

Mbah said TCN was “currently mobilising for conductor replacement, pending completion of security operations at the site. Nevertheless, the second line remains fully operational, transmitting at full capacity to Abuja, in conjunction with the Gwagwalada 330kV line serving the Kukwaba-Apo axis.”

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