Governors Plan To Stop FG From Sales Of Power Plants, Go To Court


The Federal Government’s attempt to sell10 power plants is being thwarted by the 36 state governors who claimed they have instructed their lawyers to sue the government at the Federal High Court in Abuja

The Federal Government had come out with an Executive Order which states the intention of the government to sell the power plants.

According to a communique issued at the end of the governors’ meeting which was signed by Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, the Chairman, Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF) and Governor of Sokoto State, stated: “The Forum following its advocacy that the proposed privatisation of 10 National Integrated Power Projects (NIPPs) by the Federal Government of Nigeria should be stopped, instructed its lawyers to approach the Federal High Court which at present has issued a court order restraining all the parties in the suit from taking any step or action that will make or render the outcome of the Motion on Notice seeking for interlocutory injunction nugatory”

With the action taken by the governors, it means, the  Federal Government will have to put on hold every proceeding in respect of the sales until the case is disposed off by the court.

The communiqué which dwell on so many national issues, also, stated reiterated the of the governors on the controversial $ 418 million Paris Club Fund, saying that the governor are still disposed to legal option in resolving the issue

According to the governors, sequel to discussions between sub-sovereigns at the recently concluded second African Sub-Sovereign Government Network (AfSNET) conference, “the Forum agreed to pursue through its Africa (FORAF) and its partnership with the African Export–Import Bank (Afreximbank), support for enhanced dialogue, cooperation and collaboration between sub-sovereign governments around intra-African trade, investment, industrialisation, and development.”

On the flood that ravaged most parts of the country, the governors stated that they are also monitoring the situation across the country and working with the federal government through the National Economic Council (NEC) and in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD), Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development (FMHDSD), National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning (FMFBNP).

Beyond the federal agencies, the governors said they were also working with the World Bank to prepare emergency interventions to ameliorate the impact of the flood especially in order to sustain food security.

They were also briefed by the World Bank Task Team Leader (TTL), Prof. Foluso Okunmadewa on the desired restructuring of the $750 million Nigeria COVID-19 Action Recovery and Economic Stimulus Program (CARES) programme to respond to Nigeria’s 2022 Flood Response following discussions with States and the National Economic Council (NEC) Ad hoc Committee on Flooding.

It noted that the restructuring would allow states to reallocate funding from the programme for immediate response for livelihoods, assets and basic services.

It was also noted that as the flood recedes, the states through the programme will be able to support the household enterprise recovery grants, short-term transfer of households displaced, labor intensive opportunities for unskilled labor, rehabilitation of basic services infrastructure, recovery of damaged agricultural infrastructure, rehabilitation of destroyed wet markets, amongst others,” the communique stated.

The governors also said they received updates from the Senior Progamme Manager, NGF States’ Fiscal Transparency Accountability and Sustainability (SFTAS) Technical Assistance Programme, Olanrewaju Ajogbasile, on the implementation progress of the SFTAS programme which is presently in its last phase of annual assessments.

They assured Nigerians of their commitment in line with the programme, to sustain reforms and implement recommendations that could further strengthen their public financial management systems.

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